Terms and Conditions

**Conditions and Guidelines—Whad**

Greetings from **Whad**. By accessing and using our website, you acknowledge and consent to the following terms and conditions. Please carefully read these terms and conditions before using the website. If you disagree with these terms, you should not use Whad.


1. **Acknowledgement of Terms**

By using Whad, you acknowledge that you have read and understand these terms as well as any applicable laws and regulations. Whad retains the right, at any time and without previous notice, to alter or modify these terms. By continuing to use the website, you agree to any modifications.


2. **Qualification**

In order to use Whad, you must be at least 13 years old. You confirm and warrant that you meet the eligibility criteria by using the website. To access this website, you must obtain permission from your parent or legal guardian if you are under the age of 18.


3. **Accounts of Users**

Some Whad services require registration. You promise to update your account's information and provide true, complete, and accurate information when registering. You are responsible for keeping your account credentials private and being accountable for any actions taken with them.


4. **Intellectual Property and Content**

Copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws protect any content made accessible on Whad, including text, photos, graphics, logos, videos, and software. Whad, or its licensors, owns all rights to this content. You may not duplicate, reproduce, distribute, or create derivative works using our content without first obtaining express consent from Whad.


5. User-created content

Users can contribute to Whad by leaving comments, reviews, and forum posts. By submitting material, you give Whad permission to use, display, and distribute it globally in a perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-free manner. It is your agreement to refrain from posting any content that infringes upon the rights of third parties or is illegal.


6. **Illegal Activities**

You consent to refrain from:

Make any unauthorized or illegal use of Whad.

Upload or distribute offensive, dangerous, or improper content.

Tamper with or interfere with the website's operation.

Make an effort to access other users' accounts or the website's systems without authorization.

Gain access to the website by using automated tools like scrapers or bots.


7. **Privacy Policy**

We value the privacy that you own. We collect, use, and share your personal information in accordance with our privacy policy. By using Whad, you consent to the data practices outlined in the Privacy Policy.


8. **Reduction of Obligation**

If you use this website or any of the services it offers, Whad and its affiliates won't be responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages. We make no promises regarding the website's uptime or error-free operation.


9. **Links to Third Parties**

On Whad, you can find links to external websites. We have no control over the policies or content of any outside websites. It is your responsibility to read the terms and conditions of any website you visit, and you should use third-party websites at your own risk.


10. **Completion**

We reserve the right, at any time and without prior notice, to suspend or terminate your use of Whad for any reason, including breaching these conditions. All of these terms' provisions will still be in force after termination.


11. **Overarching Law**

The laws of [your country], excluding its conflict of law provisions, will govern and interpret these terms and conditions. The courts in [your country] shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes arising under these terms.


12. **Get in Touch**

Please email us at support@whad.com if you have any questions or complaints about these terms and conditions.


By using Whad, you agree to these terms and conditions. We are grateful that you've joined the Whad community!